Stacy Francis’s Webinar on How to Use Stocks and Bonds to Secure Your Financial Future Available for Free on Savvy Ladies
By: Francis Financial
January 27, 2021
Stacy Francis of Francis Financial hosted a webinar on the Savvy Ladies website, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization Francis founded that brings financial planning education to women through webinars, seminars, and other free financial planning resources. In her webinar, she discusses financial resiliency, financial immunity and retirement planning, how to protect your portfolio by picking the right stocks and bonds, and answers participant questions.
Francis defines financial resiliency as the ability to bounce back from a financial challenge. With one in four Americans experiencing a substantial decrease in their incomes during COVID-19, she outlines nine strategies you can pursue to become more financially resilient, including building an emergency fund and eliminating high interest debt, with action steps and examples for each strategy.
Francis also dives into financial immunity and retirement planning. In today’s uncertain world, “the most important investing tip is to think long term,” she says. Studies show that very poorly performing markets eventually rebound, so it’s crucial to ride the market out, she recommends. Women specifically have much more time to age their portfolios, as many are living to the age of 95, so patience is key. If you are nearing retirement or already living off of your portfolio and the market is down, Francis speculates that you may want to consider taking money from bonds instead of stocks. She suggests other tips to maximize your financial stability while retiring in a recession, such as downsizing your home, plus more.
Finally, Francis clarifies how a diverse mix of assets can help protect you. She recommends including U.S. stocks, bonds, 2-3% cash, and international stocks in your investment portfolio, explaining why each is important. Francis reviews investment risk and demonstrates various tools to help you determine how much risk you can handle, including a review of how to use CNN’s Asset Allocation Quiz Calculator to help you find your ideal asset allocation ratio.
Learn more about our wealth management services and how Francis Financial can help you plan, grow, and protect your money or contact a qualified wealth management advisor.