A Powerful Personal Story: Escaping The Cycle of Abuse
Claire, this week’s guest on Financially Ever After, has lived through many hardships. She bravely shares her story so that listeners who may be in a similar situation can find some help and hope.
- Claire has been living month to month for the last year and a half. Her ex-husband decided not to pay alimony this month to spite her, so she has not been able to pay her bills. [2:34]
- In the beginning, Claire’s ex-husband treated her like a princess, but soon he started to get angry and blame her whenever he lost money at his job. [4:16]
- Claire was in a cycle of emotional and physical abuse but she had nowhere to go. She reached out to her parents to try to escape, but they said no. [8:43]
- We often associate physical, emotional and financial abuse with lower income. However, Stacy says, there is a secret that it happens in front of our eyes to accomplished women like Claire. [11:40]
- Claire still struggles with self-confidence and thoughts of suicide. Her animals and the 12 step program she attends helps her heal. She also practices staying positive and keeping her body positive. [14:19]
- When you’ve been a victim of abuse you’re a changed person, Stacy says. If you’ve been abused as a child you should seek support because you usually relive those cycles. [19:50]
- It’s important for women to have agency over our money because it gives us options to escape from unsafe situations. [23:15]
- Claire shares that she was abused as a child by a relative. [25:50]
- Stacy urges Claire and listeners to keep a network of support around them so that they can continue to be strong and make good decisions, now that they’re out of the past situation. With the right support around you, you can continue to make good decisions even though it feels like your past is pulling you back. [28:27]
- When Claire can’t find the strength in herself to carry on, she hears the voice of her son Tyler telling her how much she means to him. [32:20]
- Claire continues to be strong so that she can help someone. She has seen how honesty can strengthen one another. Stacy adds that she enjoys helping others in part because it makes her feel good about herself. Helping others builds our self-worth. [34:04]
- Animals love you unconditionally and they don’t judge. They help you heal. Stacy urges you to volunteer at a shelter. [37:52]
- Claire’s advice to anyone listening that’s struggling is to go deep into your soul and know that you are special. That glimmer of hope will help you get through the tough times. [38:53]
- Stacy urges you to reach out to your support network to hold you when you don’t have the strength. You can also reach out to her. If you feel stuck because you don’t have the money to go elsewhere, let us help you with that, Stacy advises. [41:08]
Stacy Francis: Stacy@Stacyfrancis.com
Phone: 212-374-9008
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