Children of Divorce – In Defense of the Defenseless
PODCAST: Children of Divorce – In Defense of the Defenseless
Elysa Greenblatt is the owner of Greenblatt Law, specializing in Matrimonial and Family Law, Litigation, and Collaborative Law. She represents and helps children get through the divorce process. She joins Stacy Francis to discuss what it means to be an attorney for children and the situations that warrant such legal assistance.
– Matrimonial attorneys must go through the necessary training and obtain the relevant certification to be permitted to represent children in family court. In addition, these attorneys are usually court-appointed.
– High-conflict court cases often rack up expensive bills in legal fees, especially if emotions are high and court appearances are frequent since attorneys have hourly rates. The courts typically decide which parent pays the fees.
– Court-appointed attorneys for children are not mandated reporters who are obligated to call in any suspected abuse or neglect, so dealing with situations where the child may be in danger with one parent may be tricky to work out.
– A common misconception about attorneys for children is that they are biased, which is untrue. Attorneys for children have a children-centered practice, therefore any decision they make or counsel they offer is always on behalf of the child, with their best interest at heart.
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