Facing the Emotional Fear of Divorce with Liza Caldwell
Top New York City divorce coach, Liza Caldwell, joins Stacy to discuss how to navigate her proven approach of the 4 stages of divorce. In this episode, Liza opens up about how going back to school and how being a role model for her children were major turning points in her life. Whether you are contemplating, navigating or recovering from divorce, Stacy and Liza dive into how to overcome the challenges and fears associated with this transition.
For more information on Liza Caldwell and additional resources from this show:
Liza Caldwell | W: www.sasforwomen.com P: (917)485-1323 E: info@sasforwomen.com
Stacy Francis| W: www.francisfinancial.com P: (212) 374-9008 E: stacy@francisfinancial.com
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