Navigating the Demands of Life and Starting 2022 in Balance
PODCAST: Navigating the Demands of Life and Starting 2022 in Balance
Dr. Randy Heller is a marriage and family therapist, collaborative mental health professional, and Adjunct Professor at Nova Southeastern University. She founded The Family Network, Inc., a comprehensive counseling center providing individual, couple, family, and group services to children, adolescents, and adults. In this episode, she talks with Stacy Francis about navigating the demands of life and starting the new year in balance and shares an action plan to make 2022 your best year.
- Thanksgiving to Christmas is typically a period of fear and uncertainty for families going through divorce. Many women experience fear of the unknown; they wonder if they will be alone forever and whether they can manage being on their own.
- You need to give yourself permission to be the best you can, rather than being perfect. If you allow yourself a day or two where you don’t hold yourself to the ideal you, you can take that time to rest and recharge so you can resume meeting your personal expectations.
- When you find yourself in massive internal chaos, stop for a moment to just breathe. If you can breathe easily, then you can think about your next step. Like yoga, if you’re not focused on what you’re doing at the moment, you’re going to fall.
- Worrying about all the ‘shoulds’ will only prevent you from actually doing things. Instead, pay attention to the things you can manage today, and celebrate those accomplishments. The rest can be done tomorrow.
Dr. Randy Heller on LinkedIn
Stacy Francis on LinkedIn | Twitter
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