PODCAST: Your Health is Your Wealth

PODCAST: Your Health is Your Wealth
Amber Flanagan, CFP, is Principal at ASHCON Financial and advises clients from all walks of life about their financial and insurance needs. Her approach is to listen to her clients’ unique situations, then determine what actions best suit their needs.
Dr. Gerda Maissel, known as “The Medical Sherpa,” is a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Medicine physician, former health system executive, and founder of My MD Advisor. Her role is to advocate for patients with complicated medical problems and help them access the best possible treatment.
In this episode, Amber and Dr. Gerda discuss the health insurance options available to women after divorce, as well as tips on how to afford better medical care and prevent medical mistakes.
- Healthcare in the US is particularly difficult for immigrants, women, people of color, and other social groups considered different. White men are not immune from not paying attention and coordinating care.
- COBRA typically allows divorcees to remain on their previous health insurance plan for up to 18 months unless there are extenuating circumstances.
- Doctors do not want noncompliant patients – if you and your doctor aren’t getting along, they probably don’t want you in their practice. It’s better for both parties to move on to other people if the relationship isn’t therapeutic.
- You can put money into an HSA (Health Savings Account) at a tax-free rate once you have a policy approved by the IRS.
Amber Flanagan on LinkedIn | Facebook
Email: aflanagan@ashconfinancial.com
Contact Amber at 347-574-6615
Dr. Gerda Maissel on LinkedIn
Email: Gm@mymdadvisor.com
Contact Dr. Gerda at 845-316-0175
Stacy Francis on LinkedIn | Twitter
Email: stacy@francisfinancial.com | FrancisFinancial.com
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