Talking Divorce at Work While Staying Professional
Most women don’t like to admit they need help. We often don’t even know what to ask for help with. It is a fact however, that people going through a divorce need extra support, be it emotional support or with the administrative tasks that go along with a divorce.Today’s guest, Katie Lynch, is going to help us navigate this issue. Katie is the founder of Apiary Consulting, a bespoke divorce consultancy that coaches senior executives going through a divorce.
- Katie shares the interesting story of how she became a divorce consultant. [2:50]
- During and after a divorce, a woman is more dependent on her income. Stacy asks what women can do to tailor their lives to impact their careers as little as possible. Katie replies that divorce is overwhelming. Your decision-making abilities are going to be impacted because of the reduced level of sleep and the elevated levels of anxiety you are experiencing. You need an extra person to help you monitor yourself and ensure that you’re not letting this stressful time have a negative effect on your professional life. [5:53]
- The first thing Katie does for her clients is to help them get organized. She helps them to package their case with the relevant financial and factual information so that the legal or financial professional can give them advice right away. Most importantly, she helps them find the right lawyer so that they can avoid ending up in a contentious divorce process. [9:21]
- Professional women going through a divorce are not typically given the same understanding or compassion as a woman who recently lost a spouse. Stacy asks Katie how a woman can approach the subject of her divorce with colleagues or managers in a way that preserves her job and her credibility as a successful professional. [12:50]
- Personal and professional lives cannot be separated. They are completely intertwined. Most companies try to help by providing things that make you happier rather than dealing with things when you’re stressed. [15:05]
- Be more open and honest about what you are going through. Tell HR or management what is happening, that you’re getting support, and how much time you’re going to have to take off work. Trying to keep things under your hat is going to create more stress for you; you may be surprised that they actually may support you more than you think. [15:58]
- Don’t try to do it all. Recognize that this period of intense stress is only temporary. Take a step back and get the help you need. Try to be as happy as you can during this very difficult time. [19:48]
- Katie explains the bespoke service that she offers to clients. She describes a useful piece of software that helps you to organize your life during a divorce. [23:46]
- Stacy implores listeners to invest in themselves by seeking the help they need. She advises you to contact Katie if you need the service she provides. If you have questions about the financial end of divorce, you can reach out to Francis Financial. They can help you make decisions with confidence, knowing that your future is secure in the short and long term. [32:22]
What you need to know about divorce
If you’re thinking about or going through divorce, download our free guide that unveils the financial challenges that women face during, and after divorce.
Stacy Francis 212-374-9008
Katie Lynch
Resources Apiary Consulting Francis Financial Option B by Sheryl Sandberg