To Reset After Divorce, Learn to Set Boundaries

PODCAST: To Reset After Divorce, Learn to Set Boundaries
Wendy Sterling is a parent coach at Circle4Parents, featured coaching expert at The Forem, and the founder, CEO and Divorce Recovery Specialist at The Divorce Rehab. She has helped hundreds of women overcome divorce and move to a place of empowerment, drawing strength and compassion from her own experience. She joins Stacy Francis to teach listeners about setting and communicating boundaries, as well as saying no and standing up for themselves without having to give explanations.
– A divorce can be the most empowering experience that anybody can go through to find their true voice and identity. It can help you start designing and creating a life you love from a place of confidence instead of feeling stuck wherever you are.
– Some common reasons people have for not setting boundaries are guilt, and fear of judgment, resentment, abandonment and rejection. It is very difficult for people pleasers to set boundaries because the hardest word for them to say is ‘no.’
– Two go-to phrases that people who have challenges setting boundaries can use when they feel a boundary is being stepped on are: “Interesting,” and “We’re going to have to agree to disagree.”
– We often think that we have to be automatic in our responses to things. Time is a very valuable thing that people do not set boundaries around enough.
Wendy Sterling on LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | Pinterest | Podcast | | +1 (310) 283-5053
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